Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Doctor Strange in Strange Tales

I love this book. It's odd thinking about how before the introduction of Doctor Strange, the book was a vehicle for the popular character of the Human Torch (Johnny Storm). I can't speak much on those stories, as I've never read them, but I find it interesting. Obviously they must have had something to have gone on a while, but still, what came after is what the book is known for.

And seriously, an anthology running Doctor Strange side by side with this cutting edge spy story? It was something altogether, and still stands high in my ranking of Marvel's ongoing titles. Every artist that works on this book is amazing. Specifically with regards to Doctor Strange, which is less consistent art wise than the Nick Fury feature that was dominated by Kirby and Steranko. While Steve Ditko is well known for his work with the character, each artist had his own story to tell.

Ditko really does lay the ground, setting up amazing characters in Nightmare, Mordu, Dormammu, and Eternity. Even after, he gives a little bit of character to henchmen of Mordu, allowing them the possibility to move beyond mere minions. Bill Everett follows with a short but fantastic little story regarding the origins of magic between the Ancient One and his former colleague, Kaluu. No sooner is this threat out of the way, than Umar makes her way in and taunts Strange. Her mechanizations lead in to Marie Severin on the book, who does some just beautiful art. Severin introduces the threat of Zom, the overseeing force of the Living Tribunal, and the threatening planetary superlord of Nebulos, and the return of Mordu. Dan Adkins wraps up the title with the Scientist Supreme, taking Strange into new worlds and bringing his magic against the might of science.

Everything about this book is exciting. The landscapes, the look. Even in the black and white Essential reprints, the amazing shading of the characters stands out (especially with Umar, Eternity, and Nebulos). The only thing that leaves me hanging is in this series ending, we still have a cliffhanger with regards to the whereabouts of Clea and her safety. Better read that Thomas/Colan run, eh?