I've been thinking about this one for a while. So I'm pretty late to comment on the obvious: Brightest Day will lead into the main characters getting their own series. The series proper will anyway, I can't speak in regards to the other resurrected characters. But at this point it's pretty obvious, especially since there's been rumors about Firestorm, James Robinson pretty much let slip about Hawkman, and there's no denying that Geoff Johns can't wait to let loose with Aquaman.
Geoff Johns has ultimately, figured out a winning formula. Bring a character back into the spotlight with a rebirth. Start new ongoing. Start spinning off from there. Green Lantern is 3 books deep right now. Flash is supposed to be getting it's first secondary book in 2011. Both have movies in the works. It's extremely impressive. So now we've got Aquaman (Johns/Ivan Reis, I'm betting), Hawkman/Hawkgirl/Hawkworld/Hawks (James Robinson/Philip Tan), and then Tomasi writing Martian Manhunter, I'm thinking, with Sterling Gates on Firestorm. Maybe even Igle back on Firestorm?
I'm wondering if this pushing back of Tomasi/Gleason's Batman & Robin is actually part of a preparation for a Tomasi/Gleason Martian Manhunter. Give a bit of breathing room, so to speak. Gates is purely speculation, but it'd make sense in regards to his suddenly departure from Supergirl.
More speculation. The single issue one-shots in January. Wonder Girl, Steel, Congorilla & Starman, and Shazam. Eric Wallace is the in house Shazam/Marvel Family man, it seems, so I won't surprised if after Osiris' story in Titans plays out that DC won't roll with the new series. I'd love a new Steel series, but that's just hoping on my part. Having never read any Doctor Who novels, I can speak nothing in regards to the man's work. Wonder Girl, I'm thinking is expansion on the Wonder Woman line. They've mentioned briefly giving a second book to them, and how she should have a secondary. If Krul was the original person offered Firestorm, then it would make sense why he declined as he had "too much on his plate." This is if he was the person who said it in the first place. Here's what I'm thinking with C&S. IF these are all testing for new ongoings AND James Robinson is writing a new Hawkman ongoing, then I would continue my speculation and say that he's off JLA sometime next year. Honestly, he's not able to pull off too many books at once, 2 ongoings and a mini (Shade) is pushing it a bit, historically speaking.
I fully welcome DC to disprove everything I've just said. I'd rather know that I was wrong than find out I've somehow looked at everything on my own and figured it all out.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
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